PS Schacht Shepherds Health Guarantee With Purchase Of one of our puppys Spokane Wa

PS Schacht Shepherds Health Guarantee With Purchase Of one of our GSD Pups PS Schacht Shepherds PUPPY HEALTH GUARANTEE Makala Johnson 5092186320 PS Schacht Shepherds HEALTH GUARANTEE We make no claims about our dogs or who we are that we cannot back up. We are one of the few breeders to offer a full 100% health guarantee which means that your puppy is guaranteed to be in good health at the time of sale and guaranteed to be free of genetic birth defects Causing Death Before 1 year of age as determined by a licensed veterinarian within twelve (12) months of the time of sale. The puppy is sound in body, good health, and is free of communicable disease as far as appears to the eye. Our puppies will receive a series of vaccinations specific to Parvo Virus, Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Adenovirus Type 1 and Canine Hepatitis Virus. In addition our dogs are on a strict pr...