Antique toy and collectibles extravaganza 11-6 11-7

Well were back from vacation and trying to get back into the work thing. Starting to begin work on NW Fest for this year, we have been wanting a change but alot of us like the setup now so we decided to add a new twist but keep everything the way it is as well so I hope everything works out. so far we have added first weekend in november the 6th and 7th and called it the bonner mall Antique toy and collectibles extravaganza. it will open to the public saturday at 10am thru 7pm and will be free admission to all. it will be held at the Bonner mall 300 bonner mall way in Ponderay Idaho Just north of sandpoint. (along hyw 95 and hwy 200) Saturday we will host our first dinner party at Slate in sandpoint Id beginning around 8pm and we will offer a special diecast suprise shelby 1/48 to those who purchase tickets along with a few more extras tbd. After our dinner party we will all be heading Directly across the street to the Howard johnson 477255 hwy 95 north we have a group rate of $45.00 if you sign up early to the first ten to book under nw fest at 208-263-5383 ask for sandra so don't wait book Now!! We get to sleep in yeah after a long day saturday and begin sunday 11am to 4pm with round 2! another fun filled day of what we all love. Hope to see you there for dealer inquiries contact Jeremy patton 208-625-0699 or Melissa Smith 509-720-0564 or email us at


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